Feeling overwhelmed as a catechumenate leader? Empower the assembly as your team

2 thoughts on “Feeling overwhelmed as a catechumenate leader? Empower the assembly as your team”

  1. As always you gift us with your understanding and love of this ministry.
    As the director of RCIA for our parish (Cathedral of the Sacred Heart – Richmond, Va) our team has always been the key to a deeper relationship with seekers. We meet several times a year and communicate weekly. This is not to create the perfect RCIA ministry.. it is to create a community of faith and compassion.
    As Catholics we talk about Evangelizing… this is how we evangelize… involve parishioners as sponsors and in other areas .. but always keeping in mind the reason to be together is to be a witness to others. Pray and grow with the seekers. What we understand from the stories of the seekers is priceless.. it is God at work.

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