Embrace the power of morning prayer—for the sake of your seekers

Image by irynakhabliuk.

8 thoughts on “Embrace the power of morning prayer—for the sake of your seekers”

  1. Marie Andrews

    I have been wondering lately about morning prayer, remembering your enthusiasm about it when you first came back from graduate school. I have found myself praying it again as I work for the sisters, although it is not a part of their tradition. The psalms keep me grounded and always hit me in a different place. Thanks for the article.

    1. Hi Marie. I can’t believe you remember that from that long ago! Thanks for sharing about the psalms. Same for me. Blessings.

  2. Rev. Tim Seigel

    When I read Cardinal Bernardine’s book The Gift Of Peace I was struck when he told a group of young priests that he was too busy, too tired, and too rushed to pray in the morning. They challenged him by telling him that they needed a bishop who prays. As a pastor I felt that the people in the pews need a shepherd who prays too. That was when I started praying in the morning, this was in 1998. Through these past 25 years, I have seen many peaks and valleys but have maintained the practice fairly consistently.

    1. That’s such a great story Fr Tim. Thanks for your commitment to consistent prayer for the sake of your community. And thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Christine Pingel

    I belong to a lay religious Order, and by praying the daily prayer it confirms my mission when my feet hit the floor each day. I am never in doubt as to what God is calling me to do, or what my purpose is.

  4. As a fallen away cradle Catholic for many years (returning in 2013), I can attest to the power of beginning my day with prayer time. My life has changed dramatically in these last 10 years, and my morning routine of making a cup of coffee and heading to my self-created sacred spot for prayer and conversation has become my piece of heaven here on earth. All your suggestions are spot on Nick,,,,, thank you.

    1. Hi Joyce. Thanks for sharing some of your story about the power of prayer. And thanks for the reminder about coffee! That’s also a part of my morning prayer routine!

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