Enhance your ministry by using meditative prayer practices

Photo by pcess609.

4 thoughts on “Enhance your ministry by using meditative prayer practices”

  1. Carol Ellenberger

    I work with kids that are in grades 2-8. I like to use the examen method. I have written several time travel experiences. Several kids will be time travelers and their script will discuss what they are seeing. Others may be people on the ground whose voices are heard by the time travelers. The kids usually like the idea because they are participating.
    I have done time travel to the baptism of Jesus, time travel to the Transfiguration, time travel to the first Pentecost , and Easter time travel. If anyone is interested in seeing them, it is ok for team rica to give them my email address.

  2. While we don’t have time to add an extra meditative reflection into our weekly RCIA meetings, we do cover it near the beginning (Oct) in a special Bible workshop day and because of your article, I think I will add this to our Mystagogy sessions after Vigil. Diving deeper into the scriptures and into hearing God’s voice is so important for a faith that continues growing all the way to heaven.

    I do incorporate the first two practices in my own prayer life, though I’m not familiar with the Ignatian Examen. I’d love if you included a link in the article to where I can find that.

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