Q&A: Does the RCIA have a category for unbaptized, catechized seekers?

3 thoughts on “Q&A: Does the RCIA have a category for unbaptized, catechized seekers?”

  1. Rosaria Aguirre

    Yes, I have encountered unbaptized catechized. They were raised in Catholic families and attend weekly Mass. Reasons for not being baptized range from the chosen godparents were not available, constantly moving state to state, to a priest that had told them they couldn’t baptize them as infants because their parents were not married in the church. I just take them from where they are…

  2. Yes I have encountered that situation. Sometimes it’s because the parents wanted them to be able to ‘choose’. I found they benefitted from the catechumenate process because who can’t go deeper breaking open the word and reviewing knowledge of the faith? The process is a journey and there is always an opportunity to go deeper. The rites were especially important because I found they experienced an encounter of the heart, so to speak, through the ritual. I haven’t encountered someone who was so well catechized, yet unbaptized, that there was a need to severely shorten the process.

    1. Terry, I have also witnessed to how the catechumenate process was such an impactful experience to a catechized, unbaptized person. It is apparent how God is preparing this person to a unique mission and gong deeper was essential in preparing her for it. Done the right way, it’s not a burdensome journey, it’s a journey lead by the Holy Spirit revealing the beauty of God to the heart along the way to Baptism. The RCIA, truly a grace, is a unique opportunity for conversion opportunities, not just for the catechumen, but for who have been called to walk the journey with them. What a Blessing!

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