What I learned about Catholic evangelization from Bible-quoting Pentecostals

"Street preacher" by Daniel Guy [Flickr]

2 thoughts on “What I learned about Catholic evangelization from Bible-quoting Pentecostals”

  1. Yes it is true we should have our faith journey story ready and ready to give it at all times. I have been actively evangelizing all who would sit with me “for more than 30 seconds.” as a matter of routine. I have done a little door to door and some street evangelization (not by flinging bible versus, but by making myself available to those who have questions and my story is often intermixed with good solid catechesis). When it comes to evangelizing this culture we cannot limit ourselves to one specific method. It is also extremely helpful to actually know your faith well and apologetics is a good way to explore the many questions you will have to eventually be able to answer.

    Good article, but your faith witness is just the very beginning of evangelizing.

  2. For a great article on “Catholics in the Streets” check this out; http://wau.org/resources/article/re_soapbox_catholics/

    Everybody loves a good story. We base our catechetical structure in RCIA on what we call the Catholic Family Story. It is summarized in Eph 1:1-23 and CCC #1. We tell the story early in the Precat in a low key non-theological manner, from creation to the present. This is Gods plan of sheer goodness. The Catechist can then tell their story and elicit the stories of the candidates. This is the Father’s story for us, it is my story, it is your story. As the process progresses to unfold the truths of the faith we always relate back to the Story.

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