
Q&A: Can you celebrate the Scrutinies with baptized candidates if you have no catechumens?

Q: For the first time we have only Candidates and no Catechumens preparing for the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. Can we/do we celebrate the Scutinies as prescribed, and do we use the Year A readings for RCIA even if we have no Catechumens? A: It is a little confusing as to where to find […]

Q&A: Can you celebrate the Scrutinies with baptized candidates if you have no catechumens?

VIDEO: How the initiation process is different for baptized catechized candidates

In most of our RCIA processes, the majority of seekers we get are baptized catechized candidates. In this video, learn why these kinds of people are different than your catechumens and your baptized uncatechized candidates and how to help them in their unique formation process. Free gift for you! Here’s your free download mentioned in

VIDEO: How the initiation process is different for baptized catechized candidates

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