Why is a suitable catechesis important for RCIA seekers?

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3 thoughts on “Why is a suitable catechesis important for RCIA seekers?”

  1. I have found opening the Scriptures are one is better able to convey, to the best of one’s ability, who God is and thus what the Church teaches. By telling our story in light of the Scriptures I have found that the “who” seem to open up to the Spirit and find God in their lives in a very real way. Thus, when they come forward God has become a very real portion of their lives.

  2. Dick Birmingham

    The proclamation of Christ must be done before introducing the dogmas and precepts. Once a person has encountered and chosen Christ, he or she is then, and only then, ready to meaningfully hear and appropriate the dogmas and precept of the Church..

  3. “However, this knowledge is not essentially intellectual, although it includes that. It is essentially and primarily spiritual—a knowledge of the heart, a heart opened by the Holy Spirit.”
    It is interesting to note that the intellect and will are spiritual powers. This proposed dichotomy between head and heart is unnecessary. As is always the case it is not an either/or situation but both/ and. St Thomas says that an object is never desired unless it is first known. The reference to heart is not about knowledge but desire, passion. Our knowledge about God leads to our desire, passion for God. They go hand in hand. “Just as Faith without works is dead, so knowledge without action is unfruitful. How then is knowledge made living and real? By being fertilized with the seed of desire.” (Brennan:”The Image of His Maker”). This seed is born from the knowledge received, Liturgy,grace/Holy Spirit and passion, desire exhibited by the catechist.

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