Let the Scrutinies Live!

6 thoughts on “Let the Scrutinies Live!”

  1. Donna great post. We like to say that Liturgy is the primary means of insertion into the body of Christ because the candidate actually receives what they seek, union with the beloved. The catechism states that every liturgical action is an encounter between Christ and the church (CCC 1097).

  2. Donna Steffen, SC

    Walt, And, of course, union with the beloved only grows and deepens in the scrutinies after engaging with the 4 areas of pastoral formation in the catechumenate. How we do the whole process really has union with the beloved as the aim – a spiritual journey of adults that varies according to God’s grace! We are blessed to be servants of God’s grace for others. Donna

  3. This year we do not have any “elect” can we still do the Scrutinies for the candidates? It seems that it would be so beneficial for both the candidates and the parish communities.
    Thank you

  4. Hi,

    Could you please help me to understand why the elect had ask to wear brown garb or robes in the scrutinies? Thanks!


    1. Diana Macalintal

      Hi Joy. You would need to ask your pastor or your RCIA director that question. There is nothing in the rite that indicates what the elect would wear. So someone in your parish leadership made that decision.

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