
46 ways to accompany seekers even if you’re not in charge of the RCIA process

Antonia is the catechumenate coordinator in her parish. She recently went to a diocesan workshop that encouraged parishes to accompany seekers all year long — not just October to April. She got very excited about implementing some of what she learned. But the pastor likes the current school model and refuses to change. Theo had […]

46 ways to accompany seekers even if you’re not in charge of the RCIA process

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Managing RCIA seekers’ expectations

One thing I’ve learned in this ministry is that everyone comes to it with certain expectations. This is one of the biggest challenges when working with your initiation team in moving to a year-round process. But your team and your parish leadership are not the only ones with certain expectations. Your seekers also come to

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Managing RCIA seekers’ expectations

What’s happening with baptized RCIA candidates? A survey report

We recently asked folks what their experience is with baptized candidates in their formation processes. About 400 people responded, and here are the results: What is the current timeframe of your catechumenate process? Almost 45% of those who responded said they have a year-round process. I was happily surprised by that number. It could be

What’s happening with baptized RCIA candidates? A survey report

Is your RCIA open all year-round? First contact: Catechizing your parish on talking with seekers

For those of you who are Star Trek fans, the term “first contact” has a special meaning—it’s that moment when the Federation (typically humans) encounter an alien race for the first time. In the Star Trek universe, how well that “first contact” goes can have repercussions for generations, be it the positive relationship that developed

Is your RCIA open all year-round? First contact: Catechizing your parish on talking with seekers

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