Why don’t Catholics evangelize?

2 thoughts on “Why don’t Catholics evangelize?”

  1. Good article. I think there are many reasons why Catholics don’t evangelize.

    Primarily, I would suggest that Catholics don’t evangelize because most of them have not been evangelized nor have they been invited to embrace the discipleship habits that develop and deepen a personal and communal relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Rather, most Catholics have been “sacramentalized” only and this is why so many of them have become “nones” or have migrated to other Churches where they are invited into a personal relationship with Jesus and to start practicing the discipleship habits. Yet, we keep up the practice of trying to catechize children, teenagers, and adults who have not been evangelized.

    It is in sharing the joy of a personal relationship with Jesus that our joy grows and is strengthened. It is in sharing the fruits of personal and communal prayer, celebrating sacraments, service, and using our gifts to build God’s Reign that excites others, as they see the joy and freedom of life in Christ in us.

    The foundation of Catholic faith and discipleship is a personal and communal relationship with Jesus Christ where we become his hands and feet, companioning Him in joyful ministry.

  2. Beautiful challenging article.
    The catholic church is blessed to have Catholic Social teachings as it’s basis to be the hands and feet of Christ to all the world – reflecting the life that Christ lived and breathed in His words.
    Having converted to Catholicism, I am amazed and blown away by the richness and purity of the faith lived by our church fathers. The simplicity and purity of prayers that help guide our lives cannot be suppressed and so the outlet of following His footsteps is in the sharing of His love to others. That is evangelization.
    If I can find a small way to live this faith in serving others I would keep doing it – and I am blessed to be part of the Archdiocese Evangelization Commission, to be an RCIA animator, to be part of the liturgy commission and I see how living your faith in telling your story is the best way to evangelize.


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