Why a catechumenal culture is important

4 thoughts on “Why a catechumenal culture is important”

  1. Sad reality the author experienced. In our parish all inquiries are immediately sent to me as RCIA (OCIA) coordinator for action. Within 24hours we respond with a welcome email and invitation to talk personally. We follow that up with a “discernment visit” with our pastor, DRE or my wife (Converted to Catholicism 15 years ago). Yes, we have a catechesis structure but we overlay it with plenty of personal prayer, additional “how’s it going?” One one on sessions. My wife and I joined the Annulment Field Associates and Marriage Couple Sponsor ministries as we noted over half of our Catechumens are engaged couples or married couples with one spouse now considering joining the Church. We can attest that fully engaging these two ministries with the normal Catechesis effort is critical. Check out the demographics of your incoming folks and see if there is an opportunity to work together with other ministries to maximize the whole system and ensure all the required administrative activities don’t get lost as well.

    1. Hi Bruce,

      Thanks for sharing your story. It sounds like your parish is doing fantastic work. Blessings on your ministry.


  2. Pat Birnesser

    We have a pastor who is too busy to have Adoration and other things when people can attend. He is reluctant to accept help…he and the secretary are the only staff other than children and youth educators. I lead some adult faith programs and am on the Pastoral Council….which our pastor is too busy to have a meeting in the past 6 months. Those meetings do not address spiritual matters but those of material things in the parish. I keep praying and being patient and also continue to ask him for more spiritual growth in our parish. We have been in maintenance mode for far too long.

    1. Hi Pat. I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for parishes to experience what you are going through. However, the good news is that even if your pastor is too busy to be very active in the catechumenate process, there is still a lot you can do within your own circle of influence. Here are a few posts that might be helpful.






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