Are your RCIA seekers awed by the faith?

Photo by Benjamin Davies | Unsplash

3 thoughts on “Are your RCIA seekers awed by the faith?”

  1. Angela Hibbard, IHM

    I’m so glad you’re emphasizing this. I always try to do the rite as it’s written, but the musician & the clergy don’t aways agree we me. Sigh. It’s how we get to heaven — making efforts to work together and not kill one another.

  2. In our preparation for the signing of the senses I make it a point not to tell the catechumen/candidates about all the “signings” we do. They only know of the cross on the forehead. They really do come out with a sense of awe after the experience.

  3. We were discussing the Creed, and got to the part at the end that we cradle Catholics tend to just rattle off like a laundry list of the faith.

    One of my catechumens (who came in as a true seeker, very little religious background) said, “Wait a minute. Resurrection of the dead. You mean, actual bodies? Everybody?” and you should have seen the look on his face…total amazement.

    Sometimes they remind us that the faith is awesome.

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