The power of ten — how to generate great ideas for RCIA

Photo by Cathryn Lavery | Unsplash

3 thoughts on “The power of ten — how to generate great ideas for RCIA”

  1. Ten treats to bring to our formation sessions:
    1. Warm heart and welcoming environment.
    2. Ministries that offer hospitality and introduce to group.
    3. Times of prayer with opportunity for intercessory prayer.
    4. Potluck meals with families to build community.
    5. speakers who will give testimony on relationship with Christ through the years.
    6. Active parishioners who will invite and walk with Inquirers throughout process for year.
    7. Team active in inquiry sessions during 3-30 minute interviews
    8. Team active in planning and ministering at Rite Masses.
    9. Sharing at the tables of faith & stories that encourage community building.
    10. full return post Easter/Initiation to share and encourage next group and strengthen Nyophytes own faith journey.

  2. Ten Reasons I am Catholic:
    1. Although a faithful Christian all my life God led me to the Catholic Church during a difficult time in my life – I followed God’s leading in becoming Catholic and I am so grateful that I did.
    2. My RCIA experience that emphasized relationship with Jesus confirmed my decision.
    3. The Mass incorporates our entire being in worship.
    4. The symbolism in our worship and way of life.
    5. The way we re-enact the Passion during Holy Week has deeply impacted me.
    6. The acceptance of mystery – not everything can be explained.
    7. The Saints.
    8. The emphasis on Social Justice.
    9. The parish community of which I am a part – very diverse and inclusive.
    10. The opportunities to serve.

    Thanks for leading me to focus on this.
    Blessings in 2018.

  3. Ten virtues I am growing in:
    Honesty perseverance acceptance mercy understanding wisdom courage knowledge reverence humility.

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