Three extremely easy evangelization skills every RCIA team can master

6 thoughts on “Three extremely easy evangelization skills every RCIA team can master”

  1. I sure have to translate and give my team a copie…great ideas…All of them but for me…specilly the one that we invite someone to join us after mass…where ever it is…
    At our parish, we just stared two mettings around a coffee/dessert, to help parents whom wants to prepare their children to celebrate first communion, to realize what they’re really asking for… Most of them baptized their children but never did anything else till their 8/9/10 years old. So with the «B’ABBA» guide we introduce them to a new realitie that they apreciate so far. It helps them to re-connect to Jesus and to a father that loves…Point!
    I reveive reguraly your documents throught our priest…he as this good concerne to reach out properly…thanks a lot!

  2. Kris Di Palma

    Between Easter and Pentecost our team writes up an invitation with a large RSVP using the experiences of previous inquirers in our bulletin each week. Then we ask those who received the sacraments at the Easter vigil to write about their experience in the process and publish it. After Pentecost we have a bar-be-cue and invite the inquirers to meet us and the newly initiated. The mingling is warm casual and relaxed. Lots of questions and answers exchanged. We get a better idea how to proceed for the year.

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